picture The LUMEA LDT electric candle in a cafe in Bergen, Norway

  • When was it introduced?
  • Where is it manufactured?
  • Is the plastic candle designed and sold together with the glass holder?
  • Is it more eco-friendly than a regular candle?
  • Is it used because regular candles would be forbidden by fire safety regulations?
  • Why does the bottom label have a warning about not removing the label itself?
  • What other functions are available through the unseen remote control?
  • Does it produce more or less light than an actual candle?
  • How many people would remember "candleness" after leaving the cafe without realizing the candles were electric?
  • Where does the word "candle" come from?
  • How much does one electric candle cost?
  • How long does one charge last?
  • How is the slow flickering effect achieved?
  • What does the LUMEA LTD company produce, besides this object?
  • Where did this specific electric candle travel from, as bits and pieces, as it was assembled, packaged, shipped and sold?
  • How long ago was this candle manufactured?
  • How many people touched it in its lifetime?
  • Is it skeumorphism if the interaction is actually different (i.e. the candle flame doesn't burn, it can only be turned off via a button on the bottom)?
  • Why does my hand feel the illusion of warmth when it hovers over it?
  • What does the CE acronym printed on the bottom label mean?
  • How much of a candle's perceptual affect is encultured, and how much is it ancestral memory of fire?
  • Are there religious justifications for the use of electric candles across faiths?
  • Would it float?
  • How easy would it be to hack it into a data visualization medium?
  • Can you feel its silent hum?